Discovery Launch


Vancouver Island, British Colombia


Take a Tour

Ride Cortes and Quadra Island

Enjoy a 30-minute boat ride to Mansons Landing Community Dock on Cortes Island. A beautiful place to start you self-guided bike tour of Cortes Island. Mansons Landing is located on the southwest side of Cortes and has a beautiful lagoon that is fantastic to explore at low tide, a perfect start for a bike ride. You never know what you may see on the way!?
Option A

Discovery Launch Water Taxi can take you and your bike to Cortes Island. Tour from Manson’s Landing on Cortes to Whaletown and board the B.C. Ferry to Heriot Bay on Quadra Island. Rebecca Spit is a short ride away or try some of the more challenging off-road trails that the islands have to offer. Once you have finished exploring Quadra Island make your way to Quathiaski Cove and enjoy your last ferry ride of the day to Campbell River. Both ferry rides in this direction are FREE!!! Mansons Landing on Cortes is about a 2-hour bike ride to the BC Ferry at Whaletown.  Heriot Bay on Quadra is an hour bike ride to the B.C. Ferry at Quathiaski Cove.  Keep in mind that these times are based on the shortest route.

Option B

Board BC Ferries in Campbell River and purchase a ticket to Cortes Island for approx. $15.00. Ride your way across Quadra Island and take the ferry to Cortes Island then make your way to Mansons Landing and board your pre-arranged Discovery Launch return trip home.

Cortes Island Map

Click here for map of Cortes Island.

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